Thursday, March 22, 2007

In-Between Times

I am in such an in-between time, waiting for my Love and I to be together, at last.

While he prepares for our life together materially (or so he thinks : >... even though I believe it's preparing him, too, in other more subtle ways), I have learned to consciously use the in-between time now to prepare my self for him and Us emotionally, psychologically, even spiritually.

It's not enough anymore that we have fallen in love so deeply; now that we are facing Life's inevitable trials and challenges, I look upon them as a series of tests to forge our bond closer together, preparing us in dealing with conflicts as honestly, kindly, lovingly and creatively as we can, together.

This perspective helps me to not complain about the waiting anymore, or when little things go "wrong" or deviate from our plans. Truly, learning to wait gracefully itself is a spiritual discipline.

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